In Years 11 and 12, the school follows the Guide for Individual Learning (GIL), offering tailored individualised learning experiences leading to a Queensland Certificate of Individual Learning that is issued by the Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA).
Students engage in a variety of post-school preparation programs, both on and offsite, serving as a platform to acquire skills outlined in the GILs, which hold particular significance for each individual and support our students to be active participants in the community post school.
Individual needs are identified at the conclusion of Year 10, informing the development of a Student Education and Training Plan (SETP). This plan then shapes a Curriculum Plan, defining individual goals for the final years of schooling.
On-site signature programs, include the Coffee Shop, Thrift Shop, Industrial Laundry, Horticulture, Grounds care, Car Detailing, Independent Living, Drama, Computer Recycling, Catering, and Plant Exchange Service.
Work training/experience
Senior school programs provide an opportunity for students to participate in offsite programs. This experience allows students to broaden their learning opportunities, practice generalising skills in a different environment, exploring possible options for life after school.