Mackenzie State Special School is a P-12 school located on the southside of Brisbane within the Metropolitan South Region of Education Queensland. All students enrolled have an Intellectual Disability. The school facility is in a new growth corridor and is situated within a campus, which houses both the State Special School and a State Primary School. Although both schools operate separately and have their own Principal, the schools share some learning spaces and resources. The school is close to the Gateway Arterial and Mt Gravatt Capalaba Road.
At Mackenzie State Special School, we celebrate and further develop students' individual abilities. Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that offers each individual student the opportunity to develop realistic and relevant knowledge and skills to ensure their fullest participation in their community.
Every student in Prep to Year 10 has an Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP). The ICP in conjunction with the class program enables students to engage with the Australian Curriculum on the same basis as same age peers while guiding them to achieve success in their learning.
Senior school students in Years 11 and 12 are involved in a variety of Work Industry programs which include: tuckshop, Coffee Shop, Industrial Laundry, Horticulture and Thrift Shop to name a few.
Our School Transition/Student Support Officer ensures that students settle into our school and is there to support students as they transition to post school life.
This role assists families and the school to ensure transition is seamless thus further maximising students' learning.
We are very proud that our school has developed a reputation for excellence.
