Our on-site signature programs include the Coffee Shop, Thrift Shop, Tuckshop, Industrial Laundry, Horticulture, Grounds Care, Car Detailing, Independent Living, Drama, Computer Recycling, Catering, Plant Exchange Service.
Our Coffee Shop and Thrift Shop are open to everyone! We warmly invite you and your family to stop by, explore, and enjoy a wonderful visit with us.
Open Wednesdays from 10:00am to 12:30pm. Located outside, next to the Special School carpark. Donations are warmly welcomed, and a donation trolley is available out front.
Open Wednesdays in our café precinct 10:30am to 12:00pm. Access is via Administration. Come along to enjoy some delicious treats made on premises by our catering students.
Operates Fridays. Orders placed via Flexischools by 8:30am